Machine learning, Algorithm, Artificial Intelligent, Resource Management, IndustryAbstract
It is crucial to build an institution on strong foundations if you want it to be durable and institutional. It is obvious how vital competition is when looking at the market conditions of today. To boost their ability to compete and remain in the market, organizations must allocate the proper resources to the appropriate investments. The human resource management (HRM) division has also started the digitalization process in this regard. Artificial intelligence (AI) has helped the human resources (HR) department's digitization phase advance significantly, especially in the recruitment process. The process of calling candidates and placing the qualified candidates results in a loss of value for the organization because it requires choosing the best candidate from among hundreds or even thousands of applications. Because evaluations using AI technology may be done without losing money or time, they can be used to available jobs inside the organization. As a result, the AI technique ensures that interviews are handled swiftly and affordably during the hiring process. Additionally, AI makes it possible for the HRM unit to carry out a number of tasks efficiently, including training, orientation, and career planning. The current study uses a literature review to attempt to explain how Industry 4.0 and AI are affecting HRM procedures.
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