Sources of Knowledge in Iqbal’s Philosophy of Education

An Analytical Study


  • Dr. Muhammad Rafiq ul Islam Chairman, Department of Iqbal Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saleem Mazhar Director General, National Language Promotion Department, Islamabad



Research, Curriculum, Teacher, Intuition, Revelation, Intellect, Philosophy of Education, Iqbal


Allama Muhammad Iqbal was a poet and philosopher as well as an educationist. Although there are no formal works of his on the philosophy of education, yet his poetry, prose and sermons contain ample educational guidance. In terms of education, the sources of knowledge are very important. Iqbal has thoroughly discussed the sources of education and has discussed revelation, intuition as well as teacher, curriculum and research. These ideas of his not only clarify the lines of his philosophy of education, but also determine a course of action for Muslim education.


Iqbal, Allama Muhammad: Kulyat e Iqbal (Urdu), Abdullah Academy Lahore (2009), P. 402

Rumi, Mavlana Jalal ud din: Ma’arif e Masnavi (Urdu) tansl. Hakeem M. Akhtar, Mazhari Labirary Karachi (Dec 2015), P. 359

Iqbal, Sir Muhammad: The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, Oxford University Press London (1934), P.119.

Ibid, P.118.

Javed Iqbal: Afkar e Iqbal (Tashrehat e Javed), Sang e meel Publications Lahore (2015), P.36.

Rumi, Mavlana Jalal ud din: Ma’arif e Masnavi (Urdu) tansl. Hakeem M. Akhtar, P. 359

Javed Iqbal: Afkar e Iqbal (Tashrehat e Javed), P.36.

Iqbal, Allama Muhammad: Kulyat e Iqbal (Urdu), P.397

Masoodi, Dr. Tariq: Educational Philosophy of Iqbal, A.P.H Publishing New Delhi (2007), P.82

Moeeni, Syed Abdul Wahid: Maqalat e Iqbal, Aaina Adab Lahore (1982), P.42

Siddiqui, Bakhtiar Hussain: Iqbal bahasiyat e Mufakir e Taleem, Iqbal Academy Pakistan Lahore (1983). P. 41.

Masoodi, Dr. Tariq: Educational Philosophy of Iqbal,P.85

Iqbal, Allama Muhammad: Kulyat e Iqbal (Urdu), P.579

Masoodi, Dr. Tariq: Educational Philosophy of Iqbal,P.78

Iqbal, Allama Muhammad: Kulyat e Iqbal (Urdu), P.47

Ahmad, Khursheed:’ A rare Book of Iqbal”, Iqbal Review, (July 1961), P. 91.

Moeeni, Syed Abdul Wahid: Maqalat e Iqbal, P.1760

Siddiqui, Bakhtiar Hussain: Iqbal bahasiyat e Mufakir e Taleem,P. 56.

Ibid, P. 62

Fareeha & Saeed:" Understanding Iqbal,s educational thought", The Dialogue, Vol. IX No. 02, P. 199.

M.A Khan: Iqbal aur Masla e Taleem, Iqbal Academy Pakistan Lahore (1978), P. 496.

Iqbal, Allama Muhammad: Kulyat e Iqbal (Urdu), P.394

Ibid, P.385.

M.A Khan: Iqbal aur Masla e Taleem, P. 415-418.




How to Cite

Dr. Muhammad Rafiq ul Islam, & Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saleem Mazhar. (2024). Sources of Knowledge in Iqbal’s Philosophy of Education: An Analytical Study. Inception - Journal of Languages and Literature, 4(1), 1–10.